Ponzi Factory
The diamond icon above will turn red if your MetaMask account is locked and green if unlocked.
Download MetaMask. Create An Account. Deposit ETH. Click 'Create Ponzi'.
And voila - you've created your own ETHPyramid-type ponzi.
If you'd like me to verify for you on etherscan, join the official Discord channel and send a request: https://discord.gg/DGeDtPJ
To check if a ponzi contract was created by this factory:
Enter the factory's adddress in Etherscan i.e. "0xd14B307A8A9f5dAe852216d7860A6E302a533B2F".
Navigate to the "Read Smart Contract" tab.
Then enter the address of the contract's creator in the input labelled "checkContractAddress".
If it returns the contract's address you can trust it. No need to await etherscan verification.
If you have created a contract, you can check its address by clicking "check address" below.